Favorite People

Favorite People
Salzburg, Austria

Thursday, January 13, 2011


My mom was married and pregnant before she even hit her 20th birthday. She somehow got enough courage and strength to leave a very bad situation and move in to an old apartment in a bad neighborhood with her sister; the two of them cared for my oldest sister, Janet. Janet is 14 years older than me. My mom soon became friends with a young woman down the hall named Joy.

I've known Joy since the day I was born. Joy's daughters, Desiree, Christen, and Lindsay, were like my sisters growing up. Desiree was older and babysat Christa and I. Christen and Lindsay were close to Christa's and my age. Lindsay is getting married this year, and Christen was due for her baby to arrive in February of this year.

I feel so bad, because I was unable to make it to Christen's baby shower. She sent a thank you card for the cute clothes. The card said she was going to bring little baby Anthony home in the outfit my mom picked out.

I got a voice mail from my mom. She sounded sad, like she'd been crying. I called her back and heard the bad news. Christen went in for a routine check-up, only to find no heartbeat. She was emergently prepped for Cesarean and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, weighing just under 7 pounds. He was perfect, except that his little lungs weren't expanding, nor his heart contracting. No blood flow to his little brain, a brain that might someday rule the world.

"Code Pink."

It was over a day later that Christen and her husband Anthony found out that little Anthony had to be resuscitated and placed on a ventilator.

Now, it's up to prayers and miracles to get him better. So he can hear his first lullabye.

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