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Salzburg, Austria

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well, it's a new year, and I don't really have a resolution. Great.

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Laura. I am 25 years old; I live on the west side of Cleveland, and like many young female Clevelanders, I'm a nurse. I'm also single -- in the worst city to be single in, according to highly forgettable sources. Most importantly, I am one person in this vast world.

One is such a significant number. It can be a winner, or it can signify loneliness. Today is the first day of the first month in the year 2011. 1/1/11. Being "one" can mean being in touch. Or, it can show weakness. It can even, ironically, show strength. One person can't possibly change the world, but one person can change the world.

Have you ever seen the movie Eat, Pray, Love with Julia Roberts? I wish I could be Liz, and go to Italy and eat pizza and teach Italians how to have an American Thanksgiving. I wish I could travel to India and learn how to find myself. I wish I could wander to Bali and fall in love with myself and someone else.

Unfortunately, I have to attempt that in Cleveland. Cleveland, where very reputable sources say it is the worst city to find love in. It's cold and gray and ugly. And to be honest, I haven't found any amazing pizza. But at least I have myself. And I have Cleveland. Yes, I have myself in Cleveland. And I can sit down at a table for one and pray over stale pizza, hoping to fall in love with myself - to become "one" with myself. Be the one to change the world. And maybe even find someone to change mine. Mostly, I want to love "one." Yeah, that's my goal. That's my resolution.

Happy New Year.

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