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Salzburg, Austria

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Slipping into a cold bed

The trick to braving a cold bed is to first take a hot shower. So hot that you can't even stand it. Then you put on warm fuzzy slippers, sweat pants and a hoodie.

How do you do it? When I was little, I used to get in the tub, turn on the water to the temperature I wanted and then turned on the shower. Now, I stand outside the shower, turn on the water, turn on the shower, then finally adjust the temperature before getting into the tub. The only problem with adjusting the temperature to "so hot that you can't even stand it" is that you get immune to the hotness. Or maybe, the hot water just disappears because, hey, that's what it's like living in an apartment. You keep going up and up and up on the hot water faucet, dialing it further and further until you can't even turn it up anymore. Then you start coming down on the cold until you're maxed out on pure hot.

I used to fold my arms across my chest and catch water then let is splash down really hard. It's the same sound you get when you wring out a washcloth in the shower. It's really satisfying, but I don't do that anymore.

It's hard to adjust to where the water hits on you, too. I'm taller than my shower head, so sometimes I feel like I need to bend down or aim it straighter in order for me get the full effect of water splashing down on me. The problem is that I want it on the back of my neck, and I can't get it to go there without the water also landing in my wine glass.

After 45 minutes, the sound of the bathroom fan is annoying me.

So then you get out and dry off and get cold immediately and then have to crawl into a cold bed without dinner on Thanksgiving and without feeling warm and fuzzy and into that cold bed that is chilly no matter how many blankets you put on.

So I guess that really isn't the trick to braving a cold bed. Either way, for a second, I forgot which way to turn the faucet off.